Monday, December 13, 2010

Identification of Material

The media I chose to review was the hit television show "Glee" which has become a pop-culture phenomenon since its first season only a year ago. Topics of conversation arising from the show in general can branch-off in many directions, and the themes and subject matter are on-going (i.e. high school, teen friendships, underdogs, students with disabilities, sexual orientation, and bullying to name a few) however, the specific episode I will be addressing is the "Wheels" episode (Season 1 - Episode 9) which highlights Artie - played by able-bodied actor Kevin McHale - and his wheelchair.

Attempts at finding any clips of that episode of Glee proved futile. It seems that manyYoutube Glee clips have been systematically and effectively removed from most popular video sites due to copyright. I was lucky to find a portion of a clip on a blog, which I will highlight in a moment. It is live as I speak/type...but who knows when it may expire.